As you would know, the ACT is in a lockdown that is currently scheduled to end on 2 September 2021. The lifting of the lockdown restrictions will of course depend on how the COVID-19 case numbers are tracking and whether the ACT Health authorities are successful in controlling the spread of the virus in the ACT.

The ACT Government has determined that the building and construction sector is not considered among under essential services and non-essential construction works are not allowed during the period of the lockdown. The lockdown will impact all residential building businesses, manufacturing and supply businesses and other related businesses.
As a result, all Sunny Homes residential construction works in the ACT and surrounding areas have been halted and our building sites will remain closed for the duration of the lockdown.
A small number of our Sunny Homes team will be working from home during this period and will be able to answer any questions that our existing and potential customers may have. Please contact us on info@localhost if you have any queries.
Even before the lockdown was imposed, the building industry in the ACT and throughout Australia was struggling under a severe shortage of timber for building materials as a result of last summer’s bushfires and flood events across Australia.
This has resulted in extended waiting periods for up to four months for our current residential building projects. We are doing our best to source timber from alternative suppliers but as the shortage is affecting the entire Australian building industry, the shortage is impacting all builders and suppliers equally.
As you would appreciate, the situation is entirely beyond out control and we ask for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times.
Once the restrictions are lifted and timber supplies return to normal, we will endeavour to clear the construction backlog as quickly as humanly possible
In the meanwhile, please continue to stay home, stay safe and follow the ACT Government’s health guidelines.